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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Did it snow in Paris today?

Bonjour, et comment ca va? Better brush up on my parlez-vous francais situation since Paris and I will be joined at the hip anytime soon. Paris, just to let you know, I've moved the two zebra-print chairs all over the house only to have them end up right where they started - in the front entryway in the hopes of providing guests with a "welcome to my Paris apartment" and the other in the Paris apartment library. Regardless of the families whispers and husbands nervous twitching, I still say the zebra-print chairs would look fabulous, positively fabulous, in the dining area of our kitchen. Who needs a kitchen table when there's a perfectly lonely dining room table right next door? Why not create a lounge atmosphere so one can comfortably watch one's husband cook while assuming a semi-horizontal position whilst sipping a martini?
Can one have too many zebra chairs is the question that has been consuming my mind all day! I would love to have two in the kitchen, one in the entry hall, one in the library and two in the bedroom sitting nook. Would that be considered "zebra chair overkill?" Best to leave it to just the two. At least for now. I must remember my dear Paris, I am saving every red cent (well almost every red cent, as long as I steer clear of HomeSense) for the day that you and I unite.
I wonder if the zebra-chair is a hot commodity in Paris decor circles. Must google. In the meantime, I am checking the Paris forecast. Mild and snowy - perfect for a stroll around the Eiffel Tower wearing my full length red A-line, black fur trimmed collar and cuffs Christmas coat. The ideal boot would have to be waterproof of course, comfortable, practical, yet stylish. I don't know if I own any such boot. Back to google in search of this boot. Where is the day going? Husband and the young brood are clamouring about the excess of furniture in the hallway and how they can't make it through to get to the kitchen. What a shame is what I say! A woman can't get a thing done around here without any interruptions! Dont' worry Paris - I will be home soon!
Until next time, au revoir!

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Quebec City

Quebec City
Will have to do until Paris....

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