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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day Paris

Salut Paris! I imagine the city of lights was bursting at the seams with lovers strolling hand in hand, arm in arm, gazing into one another's eyes on this St. Valentine's Day. I suppose this would wreak havoc on the already exponential traffic situation, however, daydream if I must Paris, I am a hopeless romantic, who spent the better part of Valentine's Day searching, searching, searching the house from top-to-bottom, inside husband's pockets, desk drawers, shoes, out-of-season athletic gear, for any sign of those flight tickets I have been yearning for, the diamond necklace tucked safely into the little blue velvet box, at the very least, a love note - a romantic poem scribble in French or Italian - the languages of love, but alas Paris, I came up empty-handed. But the man does have a romantic side Paris, I swear he does. He did remember to bid me good morning and wished me a Happy Valentine's Day as he headed out the door for his weekly trip to the land of Italian grocers, followed by a three-hour "flood the backyard skating rink" session. No matter is what I say! That man has the best of intentions and he will always be the love of my life. Afterall, he is a gifted chef, and what more can a girl ask for? Why he even invited me out for drive-thru coffee and a drive into the city to explore our favorite neighbourhoods. The weather was sunny and mild, and as luck would have it, we both agreed that it was a wonderful way to spend a day. So what if it was the day after Valentine's - love has no date or time constraints, does it Paris? Paris, I've just noticed that it is well past bedtime and that means time to peel the snoring husband off his beloved sofa, pry the remote from his hand, and drag him up the stairs to his room. Bon soir my beloved Paris, we will talk soon.....

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Quebec City

Quebec City
Will have to do until Paris....

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