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Monday, January 25, 2010

Mild evening in Paris

Buona sera Parigi, or as the French say, "bon soir Paris". It is mild and rainy here in the great white north, and as I watch Mother Nature flood our hockey rink, I think about how, although we are half a world apart, our weather forecast is practically identical tonight, so I feel closer to you then ever.
Mild and rainy in Paris with temperatures well above zero. Why if I were in Paris tonight, I would be roaming the shiny cobblestone streets with my favorite Monet print umbrella, my white flared A-line rain coat, and of course, the turquoise ankle-high stiletto rain boot. Relax Paris! They are a kitten heel - barely 2 inches high - more than practical and safe on slippery sloping streets.
After an hour or two of walking arm in arm along Les Champs Elysees with dear husband, it's time to take a much-needed rest and stop for a before-bed latte. "Make mine decaf, s'il vous plait monsieur, with one sugar, (une sucre), and non-fat milk (lait ecreme). Merci beaucoup!" Husband has been mulling the chalkboard over and finally concludes that he will settle for a shot of cafe americano. So what if it keeps him up all night? Afterall, we are in Paris, aren't we? Why sleep when you can stare out into the night sky, drinking in the moon, the stars, and all of the sights and lights that only Paris can offer.
Once again Paris, our dream together is interrupted by the door chimes. The young brood is at the door and they are clamoring for their dinner. I promise to be back soon Paris, as I plan on spending the rest of my evening (post-family dinner and kitchen clean-up) nestled up with the kittens as we peruse site after site of Paris apartments, Paris tours, Paris decor, and last, but not least, my dear Paris, flights and hotel accommodations.
See you in my dreams tonight Paris,
a la prochaine!!!

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Quebec City

Quebec City
Will have to do until Paris....

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