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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Springtime in Paris - a dream away

Good evening Paris, these beautiful spring days have been a blessing and the chirping of the birds and the snow melting is making me think about springtime in Paris. Of course, the past two weeks of bronchitis haven't been much fun, but the time I've spent resting has allowed me to daydream about my springtime in Paris trip. I've already mapped out the wardrobe Paris and at long last, I have found the ideal occasion to don my yellow and white paisley below-the-knee trench coat. It screams Audrey Hepburn, breakfast at Tiffany's and yes Paris, I do have the perfect little black dress that I can wear underneath. On that note, the Chanel-inspired black and white checkered double breasted coat with matching sleeveless empire waist mini dress would be most appropriate for an afternoon taking in the sights, smells and sounds of my beloved Paris. More good news Paris - after taking a thorough shoe inventory, I have ridded myself of any uncomfortable stilettos. It is so liberating Paris, just knowing that I can now walk your cobblestone streets and boutique and boulangerie-lined avenues with no threat of a corn on the horizon!
And Paris - the luggage - just wait until you see the luggage. So far, I have amassed the perfect travel companion - besides a rich husband (LOL!) - the burgundy faux-croc patent leather Hermes inspired purse and the matching carry-on bag. Large enough to hide a small dog in and yet small enough to look stylish yet not bulky.
Well Paris, so far the wardrobe is planned, the luggage is planned, the itinerary is planned - what's left? Oh yes - airfare and hotel accomodations. Oh dear, back to the Paris fund I go. I think a part-time job is in order immediately. I promise you Paris, as soon as I beef up the Paris fund, I will be on my way.
I think it's high time I clean out every single pocket and drawer in this house. There's just no telling how much hidden money could be lying around. Why Paris, I just know we will be together soon. Goodnight Paris, see you in my dreams......

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Quebec City

Quebec City
Will have to do until Paris....

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