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Friday, November 13, 2009

Bon giorno and welcome to my very first blog posting. Most exciting is what I say! It is Friday the 13th and I am racking my brain wondering what kind of shoe does one wear on this, Friday the 13th? The classic black stiletto pump comes to mind, although with this cough and cold I've been battling, the old bod would be far more content to slip into a pair of fuzzy slippers. Perhaps I'll save the stiletto pumps for the trip to the grocery store later. For now, I will succumb to the thirsty terry cloth bathrobe, flannel pyjamas, and fuzzy slippers - the perfect companions of the cup of herbal tea with lemon and honey. Time to take up residence by the sunny window watching the last of the Century maple leaves fall, while the kittens purr on my lap. Something tells me I may well be on my way to frittering the day away. Happily, I am not too under the weather to browse the many blog sites featuring beautiful homes. Can you imagine spending a quiet Friday any other way? Oh bliss is I! No doctor's appointments for Ma and Pop, no toilet paper sales, no cheese-buying trips to Costoc, no olive oil or pasta sales. Yes, today has officially been named "Dosolina's Day". I bid you farewell dear readers and friends. Please take care - love yourself, pamper yourself, and remember, tomorrow is another day to wear stilettos!

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Quebec City

Quebec City
Will have to do until Paris....

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