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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Buon giorno e come stai oggi? Another cloudy November day and I don't mind one bit. Aside from the fact that I slumbered half the day away, I have been a busy bee trying to organize this house, in the hopes of bringing it closer to my Paris apartment. Yes Paris, I do so miss you. With each day that passes that is one day closer until we are together. Honestly Paris, I would give every inch of this home up to have a tiny apartment near the Eiffel Tower. There I go dreaming again, dear Paris. Laugh if you will, but I know you and I are destined to be together. Perhaps when the young brood finds independence, perhaps when the husband decides he has had enough of the constant furniture moving madness, or perhaps when my book becomes a bestseller, a screenplay, and an award-winning movie, then I can afford that apartment near the Eiffel Tower. Think of the fun we will have Paris - we will become best friends and confidantes. Think of the walks, the talks, the cafes, the touring, the flea market, the croissants, the baguettes, the bicycle rides into the countryside, the painting, the writing...oh! a girl could go on and forever. Yes Paris, our days are numbered until we finally meet, and in the meantime, I will be carrying furniture around this house trying to create my very own little piece of Paris, right here in my family home. The white bedroom armoire is sitting in the kitchen, the painting easel and black wicker stool is set up in the bedroom ready for another shoe painting to take shape, my Paris wardrobe is ready and hanging in my closet, ready to leap into my Paris suitcase, and last, but definitely not least, my passport is right by my bedside, regardless of how unflattering that photo is!
Goodbye for now my dearest Paris. There is much furniture to move and many messes to tidy up before the family returns home. A la prochaine Paris, a bientot, et a demain!

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Quebec City

Quebec City
Will have to do until Paris....

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