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Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Daydreams in Paris

Bon giorno et Joyeux Noel Paris!!!
Another Christmas has come and gone - just like that, and as per tradition, I have yet to make it to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Next year my dearest Paris, I promise you, things are going to be different.
Now that the young brood believe in gift cards instead of Santa Claus, the magic of childhood Christmases has disappeared, at least until grandchildren arrive. I have no choice at this stage in the life of mother, but to create my own Christmas magic, and that, dear Paris, is where you come in. I can see it now Paris, a Christmas morning spent together, strolling through winding cobblestone streets, feeling the large fluffly flakes fall on my face, not at all concerned about smudging my mascara, because I will have been wise enough to wear waterproof, ensuring a polished look for my arrival to the Eiffel Tower, where the husband will embrace me tightly on our ride up the elevator, knowing full-well my fear of heights. When we reach the top, he will attempt to get down on bended knee, and ask me, once again, to be his bride. And I will shout over the rooftops, "Oui, oui, mon mari, je t'adore encore!" And the crowd will cheer and applaud, because afterall, is Paris not the most romantic city in the world?
The countdown is on dear Paris - only 364 days until I peruse the Christmas markets, visit Monet at the Louvre, sip cafes and enjoy fresh cheese and croissants, drop in on my dear friends, Chanel and Dior, skate under the stars in the city of lights, and finally, take a horse-drawn carriage ride back to our Paris apartment.
Gosh, this daydream has helped me escape the reality that my absessed molar is still throbbing. The memory of yesterday's 2:00 a..m. trip to the local emergency room was the icing on the cake after hosting a delightful traditional Italian family Christmas Eve. What a shame I was in too much pain to enjoy the seafood festival and divine desserts. I guess I missed the excitement over the opening of gifts as I spent a good part of the evening gargling with salt water and beating my head against the bathroom wall, in the hopes of some sort of relief from this "I'd rather be in labour" type of pain. Thanks to the aid of antibiotics, narcotics, yoga and Google, I managed to take a break from the hallucinations and grab some much-needed shut eye - at roughly 5:00 a .m.
No matter - it turned out to be a beautiful Christmas Day spent with family and for this, I am so grateful.
Good night Paris, bonne nuit et a la prochaine!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Did it snow in Paris today?

Bonjour, et comment ca va? Better brush up on my parlez-vous francais situation since Paris and I will be joined at the hip anytime soon. Paris, just to let you know, I've moved the two zebra-print chairs all over the house only to have them end up right where they started - in the front entryway in the hopes of providing guests with a "welcome to my Paris apartment" and the other in the Paris apartment library. Regardless of the families whispers and husbands nervous twitching, I still say the zebra-print chairs would look fabulous, positively fabulous, in the dining area of our kitchen. Who needs a kitchen table when there's a perfectly lonely dining room table right next door? Why not create a lounge atmosphere so one can comfortably watch one's husband cook while assuming a semi-horizontal position whilst sipping a martini?
Can one have too many zebra chairs is the question that has been consuming my mind all day! I would love to have two in the kitchen, one in the entry hall, one in the library and two in the bedroom sitting nook. Would that be considered "zebra chair overkill?" Best to leave it to just the two. At least for now. I must remember my dear Paris, I am saving every red cent (well almost every red cent, as long as I steer clear of HomeSense) for the day that you and I unite.
I wonder if the zebra-chair is a hot commodity in Paris decor circles. Must google. In the meantime, I am checking the Paris forecast. Mild and snowy - perfect for a stroll around the Eiffel Tower wearing my full length red A-line, black fur trimmed collar and cuffs Christmas coat. The ideal boot would have to be waterproof of course, comfortable, practical, yet stylish. I don't know if I own any such boot. Back to google in search of this boot. Where is the day going? Husband and the young brood are clamouring about the excess of furniture in the hallway and how they can't make it through to get to the kitchen. What a shame is what I say! A woman can't get a thing done around here without any interruptions! Dont' worry Paris - I will be home soon!
Until next time, au revoir!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunny Sunday in Paris

Buon giorno, or should I say "bonjour",
According to the international forecast, it is a sunny Sunday in Paris. Oh Paris, what a wonderful day we would be spending together if there wasn't an ocean between us! I think I'd start the day with mass at Notre Dame Cathedral, followed by a long and steamy cafe enjoyed roadside while perusing the morning paper. From there, a quick change of shoes from stilettos to flats as we make our way to the flea market in search of all things beautiful. By the time we're finished lugging my new armoire up three flights of stairs to my Eiffel Tower view flat, we are exhausted and ready for a nap. Unfortunately, all efforts to sleep prove futile as thoughts of storing my vintage french linens in the weather-worn country french seafoam green armoire are monopolizing any intention of rest. I surrender. I have no choice but to begin this, yet another, Paris apartment project. But what to do about the zebra-striped chairs we left behind like two lost orphans at the flea market? Dare we break into the "don't want to eat cat food at retirement fund" and indulge once again, to impulse shopping? Why worry about what's on the menu at retirement is what I say! So what if I end up eating cat food in my old age, at least I'll have a gorgeous armoire to store it in - that and my vintage Chanel suits and stiletto collection!
My darling Paris, it seems my daydream is being interrupted by the call of the dear husband, in search of socks and clean underwear. A far cry from our dreamy afternoon together. Not to worry Paris. The days until we meet are fast approaching. In the meantime, and rather sadly, I must return to my reality and the "laundry situation". Au revoir Paris. A la prochaine.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Buon giorno e come stai oggi? Another cloudy November day and I don't mind one bit. Aside from the fact that I slumbered half the day away, I have been a busy bee trying to organize this house, in the hopes of bringing it closer to my Paris apartment. Yes Paris, I do so miss you. With each day that passes that is one day closer until we are together. Honestly Paris, I would give every inch of this home up to have a tiny apartment near the Eiffel Tower. There I go dreaming again, dear Paris. Laugh if you will, but I know you and I are destined to be together. Perhaps when the young brood finds independence, perhaps when the husband decides he has had enough of the constant furniture moving madness, or perhaps when my book becomes a bestseller, a screenplay, and an award-winning movie, then I can afford that apartment near the Eiffel Tower. Think of the fun we will have Paris - we will become best friends and confidantes. Think of the walks, the talks, the cafes, the touring, the flea market, the croissants, the baguettes, the bicycle rides into the countryside, the painting, the writing...oh! a girl could go on and forever. Yes Paris, our days are numbered until we finally meet, and in the meantime, I will be carrying furniture around this house trying to create my very own little piece of Paris, right here in my family home. The white bedroom armoire is sitting in the kitchen, the painting easel and black wicker stool is set up in the bedroom ready for another shoe painting to take shape, my Paris wardrobe is ready and hanging in my closet, ready to leap into my Paris suitcase, and last, but definitely not least, my passport is right by my bedside, regardless of how unflattering that photo is!
Goodbye for now my dearest Paris. There is much furniture to move and many messes to tidy up before the family returns home. A la prochaine Paris, a bientot, et a demain!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Paris Apartment on a dreary November day

Buon Giorno,
come stai oggi? It's cloudy out there today and I couldn't be happier. This is the perfect kind of Sunday afternoon to stay inside and continue with my fall project of converting every room in my home into my dream "Paris Apartment". Paris, I do miss you, every day in fact. Even though I have only visited you in my dreams, I am counting down the days until we meet again - in reality. In the meantime, my Paris Piggybank is growing thanks to the accumulation of change I am finding in the hundreds of articles of laundry that pass through these chafed hands every day. No need to share this info with the husband and the children is what I say. I promise to send them my very best from the top of the Eiffel Tower. "I'll wave to you children! I promise!!"
With Paris on my mind every waking moment, I have already purchased my Christmas present from dear husband and the young brood - the gorgeous burgundy faux-croc patent travel bag. It brings a whole new meaning to "carry on" luggage. It's already packed with my Paris essentials - including the husband's credit cards. I ask you, what is the purpose of hiding one's credit cards in a safety deposit box - you'll never get to use them that way! And by the time you decide to, you have to find that dreaded silly-shaped key and make a trip to the bank. Why a girl could very well talk herself out of any purchse after going through all of that red tape. Not to mention the tedious "hellos and how are you's" to every person along the way to that vault. All of that idle chit chat is downright exhausting! I need to save every ounce of energy for my beloved Paris. Now, back to my Paris Apartment decor. Thanks to the discovery of some fabulous decorating blog spots that I must share with you, my dear friends and readers, I have been broadsided with a ton of inspiration that has already had me covert the living room into a library/office/music room, the kitchen into a french bistro, the family room into a french cafe lounge, and the dining room is prepped for a fresh coat of paint and new trim work. Thank heavens for weekend-long out of town hockey tournaments is what I say! I just detest explaining my decorating madness to the family. Although, I have noticed the new updates have earned me some much-needed respect and admiration from the children. They have commented that their home is practically "old lady furniture free!"

Friday, November 13, 2009

Bon giorno and welcome to my very first blog posting. Most exciting is what I say! It is Friday the 13th and I am racking my brain wondering what kind of shoe does one wear on this, Friday the 13th? The classic black stiletto pump comes to mind, although with this cough and cold I've been battling, the old bod would be far more content to slip into a pair of fuzzy slippers. Perhaps I'll save the stiletto pumps for the trip to the grocery store later. For now, I will succumb to the thirsty terry cloth bathrobe, flannel pyjamas, and fuzzy slippers - the perfect companions of the cup of herbal tea with lemon and honey. Time to take up residence by the sunny window watching the last of the Century maple leaves fall, while the kittens purr on my lap. Something tells me I may well be on my way to frittering the day away. Happily, I am not too under the weather to browse the many blog sites featuring beautiful homes. Can you imagine spending a quiet Friday any other way? Oh bliss is I! No doctor's appointments for Ma and Pop, no toilet paper sales, no cheese-buying trips to Costoc, no olive oil or pasta sales. Yes, today has officially been named "Dosolina's Day". I bid you farewell dear readers and friends. Please take care - love yourself, pamper yourself, and remember, tomorrow is another day to wear stilettos!

Quebec City

Quebec City
Will have to do until Paris....

Favourite reads

  • The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
  • The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
  • Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
  • The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton
  • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  • The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Sallinger
  • A Widow for A Year by John Irving
  • Lives of the Saints by Nino Ricci
  • Snow Falling on Cedars by David Gutterson
  • The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
  • House of Sand and Fog by Andre Dupuis III
  • Back Roads by Tawny O'dell
  • I know this much is true by Wally Lamb
  • A million little pieces by James Frey
  • A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
  • Awake and Dreaming by Kit Pearson